The Sexy Thesaurus: A List of Words to Use in Your Romance Novel

Genitalia. Coitus. Osculation. You'd be hard-pressed to open a romance novel without finding these three things - but odds are, you won't find these words. (By the way, osculation is the scientific word for kissing. I didn't know either.) Writers and readers of romance know there are endless euphemisms for the private bits, the sexy…

When Fiction Matters

This is the classic conundrum, right? Is writing fiction a pointless endeavor, some kind of self-gratification equivalent to intellectual masturbation? I mean, I hope not. I think any author would aggressively defend against a statement like that. (Not to say, of course, that masturbation is a bad thing. I think it's pretty great, actually -…

it's ok I tell myself it's ok the narrative is still ok I tell myself the narrative is still ok I always want to approve of the narrativeI am always telling myself that I am doing the right thing it's ok to go to the movies because it fits into what I'm building it fits…

Why, Jenny, as I watch you there,— For all your wealth of loosened hair, Your silk ungirdled and unlac’d And warm sweets open to the waist, All golden in the lamplight’s gleam,— You know not what a book you seem, Half-read by lightning in a dream!- Dante Gabriel Rossetti "Jenny," 1870What better way to begin…